The Mad Hedge Traders and Investors Summit
December 1-3, 2020Sharpen your investment skills with the best of the best guiding you hand
Premium advice on the best trading strategies for the rest of 2020
Profiting during the Coronavirus Pandemic
Attendance is FREE
$100,000 in prizes awarded
Thank you for attending our summit! The event is over and recordings will be available by end of day on December 8th. Check back later to see them.
Thank you – John Thomas
(All times are USA East Coast)
8:45 AM : John Thomas
Summit Welcome and Opening Comments
9:00 AM : Geoff Bysshe
How To Beat The Market by 10x Trading Small Cap Stocks In Your Spare Time
- The best stocks to buy after bear markets (like now) because they perform 100% better than the well-known stocks that most traders are focused on.
- How to get in on the ground floor of the next Amazon, Netflix, Zoom, Moderna, etc. before they make their investors rich and become household names.
- A trading system that has outperformed the market by 10x in just the last 5 years, by trading these big opportunity stocks.
- Why the combination of the new administration, the pandemic, and the recent bear market has created the biggest investment opportunity for YOU in these unknown stocks since the great recession of 2008-09!
10:00 AM : Mercedes Oestermann Van Essen
From Fear Based Trading To Heart Based Trading
- Fear The number one killer of your trading account Neuro science 101: How your brain "does" fear
- How unconscious fear makes you loose money
- Why your heart holds the key to conquer all trading fears
- The strategy to heart based trading
- Q & A
11:00 AM : Stephen Reitmeister
2021 Stock Market Outlook: Strategies to Outperform
- Will the Bear Market Return in 2021?
- What is the Upside Potential for the Market
- Year End Target for S&P 500
- Which Industries Are Likely to Outperform
- Formula for Picking Winning Stocks in the New Year
- Why You Need to Sleep With 1 Eye Open
- And Much More...So Register Now!
12:00 PM : Doc Severson
Zero Day Expiration Strategies - Seven Steps for Success
- The way that price has been moving this year favors one type of trade setup which has a repeatable, built-in edge.
- We can trade this strategy 3x/week and we're usually done within an hour
- No special indicators required!
- Our win rate is 81% on this strategy and our profits are 3x our losses!
- Learn a simple, repeatable strategy from a 15 year market pro
1:00 PM : John Thomas
Dow 40,000 Here We Come!
- 2021 Could be the best year of the decade for stocks, with Dow 40,000 within reach, up 35%
- A Perfect Storm of positive economic conditions will trigger a massive increase in company earnings multiples and prices
- 2020 was only a short-term dip in a 20-year bull market that may have another decade to run
- Most pandemic business activity wasn’t lost, but deferred, leading to an explosion in spending in 2021 and 2020
- Many domestic recovery stocks have barely moved in a decade and now have explosive upside potential
- "Reopening" stocks like (DIS), (BA), airlines, hotels, movie theaters, and cruise lines
have already had huge moves but still have much to run - 2021 will be a year to be fully invested and 100% "RISK ON"
2:00 PM : John Thomas
The New Tech Trends That Could Double Your Account In 2020
Tech stocks have overwhelmingly led the stock market rally off the March bottom. Apple, alone, has doubled, while Tesla is up 20-fold.
That are about to do so again.
Knowing which tech stocks to load the boat with, and which ones to avoid like the plague, will be key to your investment success for the rest of 2020.
Make the right calls and you can count on an early retirement. Make the wrong ones and you will be pushing a broom at McDonald’s….if you can find one that’s open!
To make sure you are in the winning camp you MUST attend the next technology strategy webinar by John Thomas, aka, the legendary Mad Hedge Fund Trader.
Take it from the man who earned an eye-popping 63% over the past 12 months
Do you know which tech behemoth will clock another 100% gain in the next year?
Do you know which tech company has just made a revolutionary new discovery that will accelerate technology developments tenfold?
Do you know which blue chip tech stocks are currently trading CHEAPER than toilet paper companies?
We do!
If you know HOW to trade the tech sector, 2020 will assuredly be a RECORD BREAKER for you!!
So join me for the tech presentation you will never forget
3:00 PM : Serge Berger
Post-Vaccine Portfolio
- Imminent Trading opportunity with Tremendous Profit Potential
- Take Advantage of Stocks that are Likely to Spike (think Vaccine!)
- Cherry-picking Stocks that could Significantly outperform the S&P 500
- The new Economic Recovery Plan with BIG profit Potential
4:00 PM : Jim Woods
How To Hit the Bullseye with Your Stock Trades
In this presentation, Jim Woods, Editor Bullseye Stock Trader, will show you the four key characteristics to identifying the "BEST" stocks to own right now--the stocks that can supercharge your alpha in both bull and bear markets.
5:00 PM : Mike Hamilton
Trade daily, earn daily - with a brilliant system
- Day trading. Pros and cons
- Best markets: regular and seasonal
- Win rate issue / income targets
- Strategies for aggressive and passive markets
- Why you need to be in our trading room
8:45 AM : John Thomas
Summit Welcome and Opening Comments
9:00 AM : Mike Rykse
Overnight Pop Trades - How To Win Five Different Ways Trading Options
- Discover the one simple options trading strategy that enables you to win five different ways on each trade you take
- Find out which top stocks & ETFs work best when seeking overnight profits with options
- How to have a far higher winning percentage trading options compared to stocks, futures or forex
- Learn how to easily add options trading to grow your account and create income in just minutes per week
10:00 AM : Silas Peters
3-Point Price Action Formula to Spot Market Reversals
- Our “Go-To” Chart Pattern for All Markets
- A Simple Formula that Removes Emotions from Trading
- How to Find Clear Entry, Exit, & Risk Price Points
- Why This Strategy Works in All Markets, All Time-Frames
- The Paint-by-Numbers System that will Potentially 10X Your Portfolio
- How To Clearly Spot Easy-to-Trade Setups for the Day and Swing Trader
11:00 AM : Alan Ellman
Using Both Covered Call Writing and Put-Selling to Generate Monthly Cash Flow and Buy Stocks at a Discount The PCP (put-call-put) Strategy
Covered call writing and selling cash-secured puts are low-risk option-selling strategies that have multiple applications which include generating weekly or monthly cash flow and buying stocks at a discount. When both strategies are mastered, they can be combined into 1 multi-tiered option selling strategy we call the PCP (put-call-put) strategy also referred to as the wheel strategy.
Each option sold will result in cash generation or buying a stock at a discount. We are the casino, not the gambler at the slot machine. Stock selection, option selection, position management and calculations will be incorporated into this presentation.
Webinar summary and Q&A"
12:00 PM : Andrew Keene
My Favorite Strategy for Finding the Best Options Trades
- Intro to Basic Order Flow
- Best Types of Options Trades to Take
- My Personal Trading Plan
- Breaking Down the Greeks of the Trade
- Current Market Examples
1:00 PM : Simon Klein
Live Market Analysis Using Supply & Demand
In this presentation, Simon will walk you through supply and demand and analyze stocks, Forex, futures, Bitcoin and commodities in the live market.
You will be watching over his shoulder in real time and can implement the analysis right away in your own trading!
- Why you are not getting the results you want from your trading.
- How supply and demand is the key to understanding price movement in any market.
- How to analyze the live markets using supply and demand to find high probability trading scenarios.
If implemented correctly, the information shared could completely change your trading experience.
Whether you are a new trader or an experienced one, this presentation is for you.
2:00 PM : Sean Kozak
Profile Trading Redefined
The 3 main topics include:
- Splitting Profiles (Arbitrage)
- Volume Profile (HVN's & LVN's)
- Market Profile (Single Prints)
During this event, I will focus on teaching "Auction Arbitrage". Using big bank business levels (Volume Profile) and combining it with (Market Profile) we leverage the power of the profiles. Unlike standard profiling toolsets, NSTA has developed and trades with Proprietary Auction Arbitrage toolsets and will be demonstrated on Futures, Forex & Stocks. When you know where the SMART MONEY trades, you gain a level of confidence unparalleled.
If your new to auction theory, or if you’re a seasoned vet, this is a webinar that has been structured to start you on the proper path, and also give you the exact strategy rules for profitable auction volume trades."
3:00 PM : Matt Buckley
Trading the Death Star: The ONLY Stock You Must Own
- You’ll learn why Whiz calls this stock the ‘Death Star’ and why this stock is taking over everything it touches.
- 'Whiz' was one of the ONLY financial experts to predict AMZN hitting 3,000 before the end of the year.
- AMZN blew through 3,000 months ago and there is MORE upside to come!
4:00 PM : Dan Passarelli
The One Hidden Income Source that already exists in your Portfolio
- How to squeeze massive gains from your current portfolio without doing anything drastically different
- Outperform the market virtually every month with this one tip
- Force Wall Street to give you a paycheck every two weeks
- 5-step formula to identify best trades to improve your winning odds
- A time-tested way to conserve and grow a small portfolio in any market condition by spending no more than 15 minutes a day
5:00 PM : Anka Metcalf
Generate a six+ figure income trading from home
- Which style of trading is best for you and your lifestyle
- Choosing what market to trade
- Advantages and Disadvantages
- A questions everyone wants an answer to: How much can I make day trading or swing trading
8:45 AM : John Thomas
Summit Welcome and Opening Comments
9:00 AM : Thomas Barmann
Why to be a Trader or Investor
Key Elements of Trading and Investing success:
- Risk limiting
- High probability
- Participation rate
- Available time and budget
- Mindset
10:00 AM : Norman Hallett
Futures Trading For Senior Citizens
I go through WHY my Simple Trading Plan, "Loaded Gun" is perfect for seniors who trade.
11:00 AM : Jody Samuels
Capture the Trends and Achieve Consistency in Your Trading
- Learn to anticipate market direction by reading the ""Market Map"" - to have a sense where the market is going before placing a trade.
- Master the 4 Lenses Checklist to locate and trade high probability setups with confidence.
- Trade only the most highly lucrative setups for maximum profits by using well defined risk and trade management.
12:00 PM : Steven Brooks
How to Get a 80% Win Rate without doing any Research...
- How you can achieve over an 80% win rate with just 3 simple trades every month
- How to make more money and spend less time doing so following my top historically highly profitable trade patterns so you can have more freedom in your life
- How to scale up your investments without adding more risk so you can earn consistent monthly income
1:00 PM : John Thomas
"The Five Best Covid-19 Vaccine Plays"
- There are only two sectors you need to know for the 2020’s: tech and biotech
- The pandemic has prompted trillions of dollars to pour into the biotech and health care sectors creating vast economies of scale for all research fields
- Profits at biotech companies are exploding
- Biotech will become one of the seminal investment themes of the coming decade
- Not only Covid-19, but all major human diseases will be cured in the next ten years
- Share prices are still at the ground floor, with exponential gains ahead
- Incredible as it may seem, biotech & health care are still the cheapest sectors in the market
2:00 PM : Alla Peters
How to Trade Like A Hedge Fund Trader
- What Separates Retail Trader from Hedge Fund Trader
- Key Steps How to Trade As Top 1% Does
- How Traders Trade Alpha Fibonacci System Now on Futures, Stocks, Bitcoins, Options and Forex
- How You Can Trade Like A Hedge Fund Trader
3:00 PM : Marina Villatoro
4 Steps to Simplify Your Day Trading
- Study market movements and the breakdown of a trend
- See consolidation areas & transitional areas and learn to avoid them
- Identify reversal & divergence areas and changes in market direction
- Learn how to scan for breakouts & prime trade setups
- Put it all together with indicators which find trade setups"
4:15 PM : Tom Sosnoff
tastyworks platform DEMO LIVE with Tom Sosnoff
Join trading legend and serial entrepreneur Tom Sosnoff for a 1-hour demo of the tastyworks platform.
The Host
John Thomas
Mad Hedge Fund Trading
The Mad Hedge Traders and Investors Summit features top notch industry insiders who have spent their entire lives working in the financial industry. Be Gifted a Hyper-targeted snapshot on how markets will trade during the rest of 2020 and how to cherry pick the best remaining trades. Sector selection will be everything. Thrive in the new post-pandemic financial markets. Invest a few hours of your time and it should multiply your performance for the rest of the year, if not your life.

Why Madhedge
Lead the Vanguard
Mad Hedge Summit Speakers will teach you the most inciteful trading strategies that will make money in all market conditions. Never lose sleep again worrying about the safety of your retirement portfolio. Best of all, attendance is FREE
Comprehensive Asset Classes
Learn a New Trading Discipline
Win $100,000 in Prizes
Meet Our Speakers

Adam Mesh
Adam Mesh Trading

Andrew Pancholi
Market Timing Report

Anthony Scaramucci
SkyBridge Capital

Bubba Horwitz
Bubba Trading & TradeWins Publishing

Charles Hughes
Hughes' Optioneering

Christian Tharp
Adam Mesh Trading

Danielle Shay
Simpler Trading

John Seville
Acorn Wealth

Fausto Pugliese
Cyber Trading University

Hilary Kramer
Eagle Financial Publication

Hubert Senters
Trade Thirsty

Sean Allison

Micah Lamar
Wallstreet IO

Mandi Rafsendjani
Trading Psychology