Speaker Details

Editor - Mad Hedge Fund Trader
Michelle de Leon
Advancements in the world of biotechnology and healthcare have impacted millions of lives in recent decades. From groundbreaking vaccines developed to offer a cure to deadly diseases to comprehensively mapping the human DNA, these industries have been at the forefront of technological advancements.
Witnessing the unprecedented and disruptive growth of both the biotech and healthcare industries, de Leon joined forces with one of the founding fathers of the modern hedge fund industry, John Thomas, to deliver a twice-a-week research newsletter highlighting the most important developments along with special reports on the dominant trends and players.
Some of the latest reports pay particular attention to pioneering efforts in genetic testing, artificial tissue growth, and advanced drug treatments.
She completed Science and Business of Biotechnology programs at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which provided her with a strong understanding of the foundational concepts of genomics and biotechnology, which also cover the implications of these fields in human biology, medicine, and even social policies.
Her Bioinformatics Program certification from the University of Maryland Global Campus equipped her with the skill to systematically analyze massive quantities of big data on modern biology. Through this training, she has learned how world-leading health experts utilize the information to find the next potential cancer treatment, isolate a particular gene responsible for an illness, and determine the information necessary to replicate a key biological procedure.
Through her Healthcare Marketplace Specialization, which she obtained from the University of Minnesota, de Leon offers regular and updated in-depth analyses of the healthcare industry. These reports not only cover the cutting-edge technologies vital in improving the lives of the populations but also provide thoughtful recommendations on how these innovations can boost the portfolio of investors.
Prior to delving into the biotech and healthcare world, de Leon was the Managing Editor at International Business Times – Australia where she fulfilled the journalistic dreams she had since childhood.
In her free time, she enjoys ultimate frisbee with her closest friends, does boxing when the mood strikes, and goes on discovery trips to find the best restaurants in every place she visits. However, her favorite activity is spending time with the indigenous people she tutors for free, hoping that one day they’d all develop the same love for learning as her and expand their horizons.